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Thermometer Conversion


The following visual describes the relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Move the black slider on the top left to the right. The relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius can be represented using a _____________ function. (Note: Look at the shape of the graph)

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Which axis represents degrees Fahrenheit in this graph above? (Notice that in this case, degrees Fahrenheit is the input of the equation.)

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Which axis represents degrees Celsius in the graph above? (Notice that in this case, degrees Celsius is the output of the equation.)

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Move the blue slider along the line. What is the Celsius degree measurement of 77 degrees Fahrenheit? (Note: You can zoom in to locate the point.)

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Now go back to Jamboard (Slide 3), and use the formula to prove your answer to the previous question. Show all of your work.