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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Object Translations

Object Translations Directions: Default Functions: Refresh Button: To reset the applet, click the Refresh Button at the top-right corner. Zoom In/Out: Using your scroll wheel, you can zoom in and zoom out of the applets visible area. The screen tends to re-center wherever the mouse cursor is located. Move: Hold the Shift key and then click and hold your primary mouse button to pan around the visible area of the applet. Movable Objects: A: Click and drag the point to change the original objects position. A’: Click and drag the point to apply the translation if it is applicable.. Checkboxes: Turn on the Original checkbox and one translation at a time. For Rotations -- turn on the Rotations checkbox and uncheck all other checkboxes. Sliders: Change the slider value to change slope of the line of reflection. For Rotations -- adjusts the counterclockwise angle rotation around the origin.