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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Triangle Angle Sum using Parallel Lines and Transversals

1. Using your knowledge about Alternate Interior Angles, is there a relationship between <α and <γ? If so, what is it? Can you also say this about <β and <δ? Confirm your idea by measuring the angles. 2. Knowing about supplemental angles, is there a relationship between <α, <ε and <β? Confirm this by measuring the angles and checking your guess. 3. What shape do you see between the parallel lines? 4. Can you say anything about the sum of the interior angles? (<ε,<γ, and <δ) Move the points on the lines and shift the shape, does this sum still hold with the new angle measures? Construct another one of this shape and check your guess about the sum by measuring those interior angles and finding the sum. 5. If <δ=50° and <γ=60°, what does <ε equal?