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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Constuction of Treasure Hunter Joe!

Play button and input boxes of operations1

. Create numbers such as a,b,c,d,e and f. Make a and b between 0 and 100. Then make c between 0 and 500, d between -100 and 100, f between -100 and 500 and e between 1 and 100. 2. Create a "Play" button and write its scripting to "a=randombetween(0,100) and b=randombetween(0,100)". 3.put the numbers a and b on screen. 4.Create four input boxes whose name are "x,+,÷ and -" and also associate them with numbers "c,d,e and f" in order. Again, put them into one under the other in the board.

how to play button1

.Create a "how to play" button. Set its back and foreground color as orange and green. 2.Create a checkbox which name is g near the "how to play" button. Write the command "setvisibleinview(play) to its scripting. 3.Create a text whose name is play and which consists the rules of the game and tells how to play the game. Set its "condition to show object" to g=true.

check and answer buttons

1.Create a button whose name is check and a text box whose name is metin1. Set the colors. 2.Write the command "If(((((a*c)+(d))/e)+(-f))==b,SetValue(metin1,"True!"), SetValue(metin1,"False!"))" to check button's scripting.

check and answer buttons

game characters

1. Download png images of joe dalton, red kit and gold bag. Put them on board and locate on the coordinates (-5,-3), (-16,-14) and (5,7) in order. 2. Add to check button's scripting the command If(metin1=="True!",SetValue(D,(x(D)+1,0)),SetValue(D,(x(D)-2,0))) If(metin1=="True!",SetValue(C,(x(C)+1,0)),SetValue(C,(x(C)-2,0)))

game characters

Last Step: Restart Button and End of the Game

1. write command setbackgroundclor(lightyellow). 2. Add check button's scripting the commands If((x(D),0)==(6,0),SetValue(text3,"The Winner!!")) If((x(C),0)==(-15,0),SetValue(text2,"The Loser:(")) 3. Create a restart button. Write its scripting SetValue(C,-5) SetValue(D,-3) SetValue(InputBox1,"1") SetValue(InputBox2,"0") SetValue(InputBox3,"1") SetValue(InputBox4,"0") SetValue(text2,"-----") SetValue(text3,"-----") RunClickScript(düğme1)

Last Step: Restart Button and End of the Game