Purple flower

Inspired by the GeoGebra tutorials from Valencia: Institut GeoGebra Valencia Tutorial: "Construcción de flores", by Debora Pereiro https://youtu.be/n-Y2FSgxKcI The online version is laggy so I just add the GGBScript with some pictures. It works fine in the desktop version.

GGB script

#First define 5 five points A, B, C, D and E, with the tool Point #Now you can input the following lines s = Spline(A, B, C, D, E) s' = Reflect(s, xAxis) F(x, y) := ((x^2+y^2))/4 a = Curve( x(s(k)), y(s(k)), F(x(s(k)), y(s(k))), k, 0, 1 ) a' = Curve( x(s'(k)), y(s'(k)), F(x(s'(k)), y(s'(k))), k, 0, 1 ) S1 = Surface( k * a(j) + (1-k) * a'(j), k, 0, 1, j, 0, 1 ) S2 = Rotate(S1, 1 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) S3 = Rotate(S1, 2 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) S4 = Rotate(S1, 3 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) S5 = Rotate(S1, 4 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) stick = Segment((0,0,-0.01), (0,0,-2.5)) Polen1 = Sphere((0.25,0,0.3), 0.15) Polen2 = Rotate(Polen1, 1 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) Polen3 = Rotate(Polen1, 2 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) Polen4 = Rotate(Polen1, 3 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis) Polen5 = Rotate(Polen1, 4 * 2 * pi / 5, zAxis)



Result, view from top

Result, view from top