2.6 Transformations, Rigid Motions, and Congruence Lab
Reflection through a point: What does it mean?
We know about reflecting something across a line. We know that when we reflect something across a line, the distance from each original point to the line is that same as the distance from its reflection to the line.
But what does it mean to reflect an object through a point? The following activities will help you understand!
Use the "Reflect about Point" tool.
Use the "Reflect about Point" tool.
Hopefully, you now realize an important fact: REFLECTING AN OBJECT THROUGH A POINT is the same as ROTATING AN OBJECT 180 DEGREES AROUND THAT SAME POINT.
2.6 Homework, #4
Use the following two sketches to complete #6 in Homework 2.6.
For each sketch, show the transformations on the graph and write out the sequence of steps required to map PQR onto EFG. FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE GIVEN IN CLASS, SHOWN AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.
Sequence #1
Sequence #2