Google Classroom

Resultant Speed/Direction (two forces)

A quarterback running backwards at 5 m/s throws a football with a velocity of 25 m/s at am angle of 40 degrees with the horizontal.

#1. What are the rectangular components of the quarterbacks path? (simplify)

This is the horizontal vector in the diagram above. He ran backwards 5 meters per second.

#2. What are the rectangular components of the throw? (keep exact)

This is the vector labeled "throw" above. Remember, you can find the rectangular components using:

#3. What are the rectangular components of the resulting path of the football?

You need to combine his backward run vector with his throwing vector to get the components of the resultant vector.

#4. What is the resulting velocity of the ball?

Find the magnitude of the resultant vector...

#5. What is the direction of the football?

You know the two legs of a right triangle, need to find the angle that is made with the horizontal leg.