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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Definition of the homothety
The image of the point in the homothety.
The property of the line mapped in the homothety
Centre of the homothety
Pencil-and-paper drawing in GG
The tool "homothety"
Construction of the triangle in homothety "vertex by vertex"
Construction of the triangle in homothety
Two segments in the line - centre of homothety
Jak rýsovat obraz bodu ve stejnolehlosti na papíře?
Obraz trojúhelníku ve stejnolehlosti 1
Obraz trojúhelníku ve stejnolehlosti 2
Středy stejnolehlostí rovnoběžných úseček
Užití nástroje "stejnolehlost"
Marek Vejsada
The basic constructions and properties of homothety.
Definition of the homothety
The image of the point in the homothety.
The property of the line mapped in the homothety
Centre of the homothety
Pencil-and-paper drawing in GG
The tool "homothety"
Construction of the triangle in homothety "vertex by vertex"
Construction of the triangle in homothety
Two segments in the line - centre of homothety
Jak rýsovat obraz bodu ve stejnolehlosti na papíře?
Obraz trojúhelníku ve stejnolehlosti 1
Obraz trojúhelníku ve stejnolehlosti 2
Středy stejnolehlostí rovnoběžných úseček
Užití nástroje "stejnolehlost"
Definition of the homothety
New Resources
Golden Rectangles and Golden Spirals
Flip 4 Coins
Balls in an Urn
Morse code visualizer / decoder
Experiments with Transformations in the Plane
Discover Resources
Angle at the circumference versus the angle at the centre
Garden Stroll
Seeing Pythagoras - Garfield
Video Five: Interactions
Discover Topics
Differential Calculus
Centroid or Barycenter
Hypergeometric Distribution