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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

IM2.9.6 Exit Ticket

Data gathered on the shopping patterns during the months of April and May of high school students from Peanut Village revealed the following. 38% of students purchased a new pair of shorts (call this event H), 15% of students purchased a new pair of sunglasses (call this event G) and 6% of students purchased both a pair of short and a pair of sunglasses. 9. Find the probability that a student purchased a pair of sunglasses given that you know they purchased a pair of shorts. P (G|H) = 10. Find the probability that a student purchased a pair of shorts or purchased a new pair of sunglasses. P (H ∪ G) = 11. Given the condition that you know a student has purchased at least one of the items. What is the probability that they purchased only one of the items? 12. Are the two events H and G independent of one another? Why or Why not?


Answer parts a-f below.