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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Exploring the Tangent Function in a Right Triangle

Move the point O until you form your chosen four triangles.
On the top of your homework notebook paper, calculate the four values listed as #1-#4. #5. What do you notice about your answers to #1-#4? #6. Using the measuring tool, measure angle A by clicking points E, A, and J. What is the measure of your angle A? #7. Open up the Trig Chart on Moodle and using the chart, determine the tangent value of your angle. #8. Is their a connection between your answers for #1-4 and #7? #9. Move your point O and calculate four new values for the division problems #1-#4. #10. Measure the new angle A and look up the value associated with the tangent of that new angle. **Now turn to your book and complete this assignment below your answers #1-10.