Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Introduction to graphs

Introductory activity to graphs.
Activity 1. Move the points around, find their coordinates, check if your answers are corrrect Activity 2. Put all the points on the X-axis. Check their coordinates. Activity 3. Put all the points on the Y-axis. Check their coordinates. Activity 4. Allign points A, B, and C on a horizontal line. Draw the line that passes throught the 3 points. Look at the equation. Activity 5. Allign points D, E, and Fon a vertical line. Draw the line that passes throught the 3 points. Look at the equation. Activity 6. Allign points G, H, and I on a tilted line. Draw the line that passes throught the 3 points. Look at the equation. Activity 7. Compare the equation of the 3 lines. What are the conclusions you can make?