Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Weekly One

What does ( + 2x - 1)( - x + 3) represent if the two polynomials are sides to a rectangle?

Factor, Completely if necessary. [Choose One]          

Find the following sum: () + ()+()

Suppose b > d + 1/3, c + 1 < a - 4, and d + 5/8 > a + 2. Order a, b, c, and d from least to greatest.

Solve the equation, justify each step with an algebraic property.      6(1 - 2x) = 54

Write an inequality for x that would give this rectangle an area of at least 300 .             

Find the solution set to the following inequalities/equations. (choose one)       

Maria can read about 160 words per minute. She has an assignment to read Of Mice and Men that is around 250 pages long. If the typical book has about 360 words per page, how many hours and minutes should she set aside for this reading?