STEM 遇上 GeoGebra 示例 (GeoGebra for STEM Exemplars)

Table of Contents
密鋪 Tessellation
繡曲線 Curve Stitching
變換 Transformations
- Rotation of Regular Polygons
- Equiangular Spiral on Nautilus Shell
- Rotating and Dilating Squares
- combining spirals
- polygon ring
- Dilations of a star
- Spiral from polygons
- math and art 1
- maths and art2
- Maths and art 3
- Maths and art4
- Maths and art5
- Sine Wave Rotating Triangle
- converging color spirals
- Spiral Square
- rings
幾何探索 Geometric Explorations
物理學的應用 Applications in Physics
Other Exemplars