Investigating 3D Shapes and Their Nets
Watch This Video on 3D Objects Represented as 2D Shapes

What 3D shape would this net create?

What 3D shape would this net create?
What Shape Am I?
I am a three-dimensional shape that has 7 faces and I also have 7 vertices. I am made up of two different 2D shapes. I have 13 edges and one of the faces is a Hexagon.

What 3D shape would this net create?
What Shape Am I?
I am a three dimensional shape with four faces that are all the same shape. I have 4 vertices and 6 edges.
What Shape Am I
I am a three-dimensional shape with 1 vertex and 1 edge. I am often used in summer to accompany a summertime favourite food.

What 3D shape would this net create?

What 3D shape would this net create?
What Shape Am I?
I am a 3D shape with 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. My faces consist of two different shapes, but they are all parallelograms. At least 2 of my faces are the same shape.

What 3D shape would this net create?
What 3D Shape Would You Choose?
Of the following shapes, which shape would be the best 3D shape to use for packing into a 3m x 3m cardboard box, leaving the least empty space?

What 3D shape would this net create?
What Shape Am I?
I am often found in the supermarket and used to store foods including spaghetti, soup and sometimes fruits. I have no vertices, but I have two edges.
What 3D Shape Would You Choose?
I am needed in order to play sports effectively. My design features no vertices and no edges. I am designed to roll and bounce efficiently.