Taylor Series - a Geogebra approach.
In order to develop several competences in our student of Software Engineering courses, Calculus I at Universidad ORT Uruguay focuses on the capacity of synthesis, abstraction and problem solving (based on the ACM/AIS/IEEE). In recent years we are not only directing towards an approach of using technology in the class (such as Geogebra) but also, to a student-centered education. In this work we present the activity of the first theme of the course (Taylor Series). In the proposed activity different infinitely differentiable functions are solved. In this context, with Geogebra we analize the corresponding approximation error. The degree of motivation of our students and excellence results of this intervention exceeded our initial expectations, showing that it is possible to continue in this direction.

Tabla de contenidos
PROPOSAL: Taylor with Geogebra
Students Work
- Polinomio de Talylor exp(-x^2)
- Resto de LaGrange exp(-x^2)
- Taylor de ln(cos(x)):
- Taylor de arctan(x)
- Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange en e^x
- Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange en ln(1+x)
- Función cos(x) (Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange)
- Función sen(x) (Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange)
- Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange en cosh(x)
- Des. de Taylor y Resto de Lagrange en senh(x)