English M.A.T.H.S. book

Table of Contents
ALGEBRA - Polynomials and Equations
ALGEBRA - Numbers and Sequences
ALGEBRA - Simultaneous Equations
- GREECE: Linear 2x2 system (Erasmus+ project M.A.T.H.S.)
- GREECE: Linear 2x2 system (graphic)-Erasmus+ project M.A.T.H.S.
- GREECE: linear parametric 2x2 system (Erasmus+ project M.A.T.H.S.)
- GREECE: A non linear system (M.A.T.H.S. Erasmus+ project)
- GREECE: A Non linear system (part 2)
- GREECE: A Game - systems (Erasmus+ project M.A.T.H.S.)
- GREECE: Non Linear Systems-Game( Erasmus+ M.A.T.H.S.)
- Samsun-Turkey Equations
ANALYSIS - Algebraic Functions
- GER factorize second degree function
- GER linear function a game
- GER linear function meaning of the parameter
- GER second degree function vertex form
- GER second degree function normal form
- GER linear function meaning of orthogonality
- GER second degrees function a game
- GREECE: A 2nd degree function-history of Maths..
- GREECE: PARABOLA-play and learn (Erasmus+ M.A.T.H.S.)
- Samsun-Turkey Matrix Transpose
- Samsun-Turkey Multiplication in Matrix
ANALYSIS - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- GER characteristics-exponential-function
- GREECE: horizontal movement of the exponential function.
- Grecia: Movimiento vertical de una función exponencial.
- GREECE: Math game-Exponential equations(Erasmus+ M.A.T.H.S.)
- GREECE:Exp equations-math game (Erasmus+ M.A.T.H.S.)
- TURKEY (SAMSUN): Logarithmic and exponential function.
- TURKEY (SAMSUN): Logarithm.
GEOMETRY - Analytic Geometry
- ITA - Circumference n.3
- ITA - Conic Sections
- ITA - Circumference n.1
- ITA - Circumference n.2
- ITA - Cardioid
- GER distance-point-line
- GER parametric-plane
- GER Pyramid-shadow-tip
- GER Representation-line-trace-point
- GREECE: Hyperbola
- GREECE: ellipse
- GREECE: line y=ax+b
- Samsun-Turkey angle between two dihedrals
- Samsun-Turkey Circle4
- Samsun-Turkey Conic
- Samsun-Turkey Circle- Flag
- Samsun-Turkey Pyramid
- Samsun-Turkey Quinary Circle
- Samsun-Turkey Sphere
- Samsun-Turkey Symmetry
- Samsun-Turkey Triadic Circle
GEOMETRY - Euclidean Geometry
- Italia: Ángulos centrales y en la circunferencia.
- Italia: Tangente y secante N-2.
- Italia: Teorema de las Cuerdas N-2.
- Italia: Teorema de las Cuerdas N-1.
- Italia: Ángulos con centro en la circunferencia N-3.
- Italia: Teorema de las cuerdas N-4.
- Italia: Teorema de la Tangente y Secante N-1.
- Italia: Ángulos con centro en la circunferencia N-4.
- Italia: Ángulos con centro en la circunferencia N-1.
- ITA - Chords Theorem n.3
- GREECE: altitudes of a triangle
- GREECE: medians and centroid
- GREECE:Similarity in trianges (theory-exercise)
- GREECE: Similarity in triangles-2 exercises
- GREECE: SIMILARITY in triangles-questions
- GREECE: SIMILARITY-Thales and Pyramids
- Grecia: semejanza de triángulos-3
- GREECE: Inscribed quadrilateral- theory
- GREECE: Inscribed quadrilateral 1
- GREECE: Inscribed quadrilateral 2
- GREECE:a math gameI!!(inscribed quadrilateral)
- GREECE: parallel lines and Eratosthenes' method
- GREECE: Pythagoras' theorem
- GREECE: maths game:Pythagoras'theorem, polygons, angles
- GREECE: treasure hunt1(geometry-2 locus)
- GREECE: bisectors'theorem
- GREECE: golden ratio
- Samsun-Turkey Angle in Circle
- Samsun-Turkey Area in Quadrangle
- Samsun-Turkey Bisector in Quadrangle
- Samsun-Turkey Drawing Quadrangle
- Samsun-Turkey Equilateral Triangle
- Samsun-Turkey Line Outside The Circle
- Samsun-Turkey Quadrangle with upright diagonal
- Samsun-Turkey Thales Area
- Samsun-Turkey Thales Theorem
- Samsun-Turkey Thales1
GEOMETRY - Trigonometry and Circular Functions
- GER trigonometric-function
- GER function a cos(b(x-c))+d
- GER cosine amplide
- GER Function Asin(kx+n)
- GER cosine-amplide-a-game
- GER cosine horizontal translation
- GER cosine vertical translation
- GER cosine horizontal dilation
- GER cosine horizontal dilation a game
- GER cosine horizontal translation a game
- GER cosine vertical translation a game
- GREECE: Trigonometric functions-theory
- Samsun-Turkey Triangle
- Samsun-Turkey Trigonemetry
GEOMETRY - Transformations
ANALYSIS - Differential and Integral Calculus