CCSS High School: Geometry (Congruence) Volume 2
This GeoGebra Book contains lots of discovery-based learning activities, investigations, and meaningful remediation worksheets that were designed to help enhance students' learning of geometry concepts both inside and outside of the mathematics classroom.
This GeoGebra Book also contains contributions from the following individuals:
Steve Phelps (https://www.geogebra.org/stevephelps)
Jennifer Silverman (https://www.geogebra.org/jennifer+silverman)
Without their amazing talent and creativity, this resource would not have been possible.

Table of Contents
- Proof Prompt (A)
- Animation 128
- Proof Prompt (B)
- Animation 127
- Proof Prompt (C)
- Animation 131
- Proof Prompt (D)
- Animation 130
- Vertical Angles Exploration (1)
- Vertical Angles Exploration (2)
- Vertical Angles Theorem
- Animation 1
- Transversal Intersects Parallel Lines
- Corresponding Angles: Quick Investigation
- Congruent Corresponding Angles to Start? (Quick Investigation)
- Exploring Corresponding Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Interior Angles (V2)
- Alternate Interior Angles Theorem (V3)
- Animation 16
- Alternate Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem (V1)
- Exploring Alternate Exterior Angles (V2)
- Animation 39
- Animation 60
- Same-Side-Interior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Same Side Interior Angles Theorem
- Animation 29
- Same-Side-Exterior Angles: Quick Investigation
- Exploring Same Side Exterior Angles
- Animation 73
- Solution to Parallel Lines & Angles Problem
- A Special Theorem: Part 1 (V1)
- A Special Theorem: Part 2 (V1)
- Animation 57
- Another Special Theorem: Part 1 (V1)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 2 (V1)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 1 (V2)
- Another Special Theorem: Part 1 (V3)
- Animation 58
- Effortless Trisections
- Animation 134
- Parallel Lines Congruent Segments Theorem
- Parallel Lines Proportionality Theorem
- Animation 135
- Area of a Triangle (Discovery)
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V2)
- Triangle Angle Theorems (V3)
- Transformation Proof 3
- Triangle Angle Sum Theorem
- Animation 2
- Obvious Corollary
- Animation 140
- Triangle Exterior Angle
- Animation 102
- Angles of a Right Triangle
- Animation 104
- Acute Angles of a Right Triangle
- Animation 129
- Exterior Angles of a Triangle
- Animation 22
- Isosceles Triangle Theorem: Discovery Lab
- A Special Triangle & Its Properties (I)
- Animation 8
- Converse of IST (V1)
- Animation 82
- Animation 23
- Another Special Triangle and its Properties (II)
- Animation 27
- Converse of IST (II)
- Animation 84
- Special Right Triangle (I)
- Animation 59
- Special Right Triangle (II)
- Another Special Right Triangle (Guided Discovery)
- Animation 42
- Triangle Midsegment Action!
- Midsegment of a Triangle
- Special Line through Triangle V1 (Theorem Discovery)
- Points of Concurrency: Investigation
- Orthocenter Exploration
- Circumcenter (& Questions)
- Circumcenter & Circumcircle Action!
- Animation 28
- Midpoint of HYP
- Animation 46
- Incenter Exploration (A)
- Incenter Exploration (B)
- Incenter & Incircle Action!
- Animation 17
- Medians Centroid Theorem (Proof without Words)
- Medians and Centroid Dance
- Animation 25
- Medians & Equal Areas!
- Animation 74
- Animation 90
- Euler Line (Informal Investigation)
- Euler Line Generator
- Morley Action!
- Animation 113
- Napoleon Motion!
- Animation 14
- Vivani Action!
- Equilateral Action (1)!
- Animation 91
- Equilateral Action (2)!
- Animation 94
- Equilateral Action (3)!
- Animation 107
- Equilateral Action (4)!
- Animation 108
- Triangle Inequality
- Triangle Inequality (II)
- NCTM Calendar Problem (11-2-2016)
- Animation 139
- 9 Point Circle Action
- Animation 34
- 9-Point Circle Action (Part 2)
- Animation 106
- 9-Point Circle Action (Part 3A)
- Animation 71
- 9-Point Circle Action (Part 3B)
- 9-Point Circle Action (Part 4)
- Animation 53
- 9-Point Circle Action (Part 5)
- Animation 115
- Isosceles Triangle: Surprising Theorem!
- Animation 121
- 9-Point Circle (Informal Investigation)
- Parallelogram: Area
- Parallelogram Construction Template & Discovery Lab
- Parallelogram Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Parallelogram Template
- Parallelogram: Theorem 1
- Animation 123
- Parallelogram: Theorem 2
- Animation 124
- Parallelogram: Theorem (3)
- Animation 125
- Parallelograms (I)
- Animation 75
- Animation 80
- Animation 6
- What Kind of Quadrilateral is This? (Part 1)
- Congruent Opposite Sides of a Quadrilateral
- Quadrilateral With Opposite Angles Congruent
- What Kind of Quad?
- Quadrilateral Investigation (I)
- Rhombus Action!
- Animation 11
- Rhombus Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Rhombus Template with Investigation Questions
- Rectangle Action!
- Animation 31
- Rectangle Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Rectangle Template with Investigation Questions
- Square Action!
- Animation 41
- Square Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Square Template with Investigation Questions
- Trapezoids: Median Investiagtion
- Trapezoid Median (Midsegment) Action!
- Animation 67
- Trapezoid Median: 2 Discoveries
- Isosceles Trapezoid Action!
- Animation 64
- Animation 35
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template (Scaffolded Discovery)
- Isosceles Trapezoid Template
- Animation 49
- Kite Action!
- Animation 26
- Kite Template (Scaffolded Investigation)
- Quad Midpoints Action!
- Animation 52
- Thebault Action!!!
- Animation 83
- Finsler-Hadwiger Action!!!
- Animation 110
- Van Aubel Action!!!
- Animation 109
- Square Problem
- 3 Squares Problem
- Animation 120
- Congruent Segments Construction (I)
- Congruent Angle: Construction
- Alternate Angle Bisector Construction
- Animation 117
- Angle Bisector: Construction
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 1
- Perpendicular Line: Construction 2
- Perpendicular Bisector: Construction
- Parallel Line: Constructions
- Congruent Triangle: Construction
- Other Constructions: 1
- Other Constructions: 2
- Centroid Construction Challenge #1
- Possible Solution for Centroid Challenge #1
- Centroid Construction Challenge #2
- Possible Solution for Centroid Construction Challenge #2
- Centroid Construction Challenge #3
- Possible solution to Centroid Construction Challenge #3
- Triangle Construction Challenge #1
- Possible solution to Triangle Construction Challenge #1
- Triangle Consruction Challenge #2
- Possible solution to Triangle Construction Challenge #2
- Triangle Construction Challenge #3
- Potential solution for Triangle Construction Challenge #3
- Bizzare Trisection?
Links to Other CCSS High School: Geometry Standards