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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Investigating Reciprocal Graphs

You are going to explore the effect varying and on the graph of
Keep and equal to zero for the first part.

Describe what happens to the graph as you increase

When is positive, what quadrants is the graph in?

When is negative, what quadrants is the graph in?

Now set keep , and vary b.

Describe what happens to the graph as you move in a positive direction.

What happens to the graph as you move in a negative direction?

The vertical dotted blue line is called an asymptote. The graph never meets this line. What is the equation of this line in terms of b?

By considering the nature of the equation of the graph, why don't you think the graph never meets this line?

Keep set and now vary

Describe what affect varying has on the graph.

By again considering the nature of the equation of the graph. Why do you think the graph never meets this line.