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WIP Hypothesis testing (AI HL 4.18) for proportion using binomial distribution

The Great Bean Counting Contest

WORK IN PROGRESS - Need to check the code Scenario: The Great Bean Counting Contest Background: In the whimsical town of Statistiville, an annual bean counting contest is held. The goal is to guess the proportion of magic beans mixed within a large sack of ordinary beans. The current belief is that the proportion of magic beans is 28.51%. To win, contestants must provide evidence that the true proportion is different. Objective: As a contestant and a savvy statistician, you are to use the Hypothesis Testing Applet to determine if there's sufficient evidence to reject the town's belief about the proportion of magic beans. Investigation Steps: 1. Formulating Hypotheses: - Null Hypothesis (H0): The proportion of magic beans is p = 0.2851. - Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The proportion of magic beans is p ≠ 0.2851. 2. Gathering Data: - Use the applet to simulate drawing samples of beans and counting the number of magic beans. - Adjust the applet to the number of beans you've observed and the total beans tested. 3. Conducting the Test: - Set your significance level to determine how strong the evidence must be to reject H0. - Use the applet to calculate the probability of observing your sample proportion if H0 is true. 4. Making a Decision: - Based on the applet's results, decide whether to reject H0 or fail to reject H0. - Explain your reasoning and the implications of your decision. Questions for Investigation: 1. Discovery Question: - How does changing the significance level affect the outcome of your hypothesis test? 2. Considering Outcomes: - What are the consequences of making a Type I error (rejecting H0 when it is true) in this context? 3. Real-world Implications: - Discuss how hypothesis testing for proportions can be applied in fields like agriculture or quality control. 4. Reflection: - Reflect on the role of sample size in the accuracy of hypothesis testing.