Google Classroom

Construct angle 60 degree and 30 degree.

Step 1: Use menu "compass" then draw a circle at point B with the same radius AB[Task 1: Construct 60 degree]

Step 2: Use menu "intersection" then find the intersection points between 2 circles.

Step 3: Use menu "line" or "ray" or "segment" to connect two points AC and AD.

Step 4: Checking degree of angle BAC and angle DAB by using menu "angle".

Task : Construct 60 degree. [Hint: Follow as step 1-4]

Step 1: At center C ,construct circle with radius CB. [Task 2: construct 30 degree]

Step 2: Use menu "intersection" then find the intersection points between circles C and B. [Task 2: construct 30 degree]

Step 3: Connect two points FE by using menu "line" or "ray" or "segment" then check angle degree "menu angle". [Task 2: construct 30 degree]

Task 2: construct 30 degree.