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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Transversal and Parallel Lines Activity

Transversal and Parallel Lines Activity Click on the check boxes to show the angles on the diagram.
1. Drag the point C across the line g, what observations do you notice about the angle sizes? 2. As you drag C across the line g, what conjecture can you make about the alternate interior angles (< 5 and <7)? 3. Now take the measure of < 5 and < 7, was your conjecture true? Why do you think this happens? 4. As you drag C across g, what conjecture can you make about the alternate exterior angles (< 3 and < 4)? 5. Now again take the measure of < 3 and < 4, was your conjecture true? Why do you think this happens? 6. How are angles 2 and 5 and angles 4 and 7 related? 7. Drag C, what conjecture can you make about consecutive interior angles? Was it correct? 8. Why do you think the observations you noticed are true? (Hint: how do these angles relate to each other.) 9. Lastly drag the point such that it makes h is perpendicular to both g. Using what you have learned, is h also perpendicular to e? How do you know?