Race to the Bumper Cars
1. Read each description and complete each table.
- Diego left the ticket booth at the same time as Tyler. Diego jogged ahead at a steady pace and reached the bumper cars in 30 seconds.
- Lin left the ticket booth at the same time as Tyler. She ran at a steady pace and arrived at the bumper cars in 20 seconds.
- Mai left the booth 10 seconds later than Tyler. Her steady jog enabled her to catch up with Tyler just as he arrived at the bumper cars.
2. Complete the following tables for each person IN YOUR JOURNAL!

3. Draw a graph for each person's journey (all four lines will be on the same graph). Drag the names to the correct line to label them. Listen to Mr. Rossi's instructions on how to color the lines.
4. For Tyler, Diego, and Lin, which person is moving the most quickly? How is that reflected in the graph?
Diamond: Write equations to represent each person’s relationship between time and distance.
2. Complete the following tables for each person IN YOUR JOURNAL!