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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Mystery curves flying

Check the first version of the script in the applet. The following is an updated version using the command Zip: ##-- Set initial values --## m = 5 Lm = Sequence(m) #Complex numbers and frequencies# Cx = Zip(RandomUniform(-2,2), l, Lm) Cy = Zip(RandomUniform(-2,2), l, Lm) n = Zip(RandomBetween(-30, 30), l, Lm) #Calculate components: C * exp(n * i * x)# cX = Zip(cx * cos(nr * x) - cy * sin(nr * x), cx, Cx, cy, Cy, nr, n) SetVisibleInView(cX, 1, false) cY = Zip(cx * sin(nr * x) + cy * cos(nr * x), cx, Cx, cy, Cy, nr, n) SetVisibleInView(cY, 1, false) #Choose a random number # r = RandomBetween(2, m) #Set the sums of components# fx(x)= Sum(cX, r) fy(x)= Sum(cY, r) SetVisibleInView(fx, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(fy, 1, false) #### #For testing s = Slider(0, 4 pi, pi/2, 1, 150, false, true, false, false) SetValue(s, 4 pi) a = Curve(fx(t), fy(t), t, 0, s) ShowLabel(a, false) SetColor(a, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85) #b = Curve(fx(t), fy(t), t, int + pi, int + val + pi) #c = Curve(fx(t), fy(t), t, int, int + val) #### ##-- Curves --## #Animation setup# speed = Slider(0, 4, 0.01, 1, 150, false, true, false, false) SetValue(speed, 0.55) SetVisibleInView(speed, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(speed, 2, true) int = Slider(0, 2 pi, 0.01, speed, 150, false, true, false, false) SetVisibleInView(int, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(int, 2, true) #Auxiliar values# #Number of sections nb = 10 #Thickness th = 2.5 #Index for curves Lk = Sequence(nb) #Names for curves LnameA= Zip("secA"+Text(n)+"", n, Lk) LnameB= Zip("secB"+Text(n)+"", n, Lk) SetVisibleInView(LnameA, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(LnameB, 1, false) #Slider to set the length of the curve val = Slider(0.01, pi/4, 0.01, 1, 150, false, true, false, false) SetValue(val, RandomUniform(0.06, pi/4)) SetVisibleInView(val, 1, false) SetVisibleInView(val, 2, true) #Plot curves Execute(Zip(""+name+" = Curve( fx(t), fy(t), t, int + pi + ("+k+"-1)* val / nb, int + pi + "+k+" * val / nb )", name, LnameA, k, Lk)) Execute(Zip(""+name+" = Curve( fx(t), fy(t), t, int + ("+k+"-1)* val / nb, int + "+k+" * val / nb )", name, LnameB, k, Lk)) ##-- Settings: Colors and Thickness --## R = random() G = random() B = random() Execute(Zip("ShowLabel("+name+", false)", name, LnameA)) Execute(Zip("SetLineThickness("+name+", th * "+k+")", name, LnameA, k, Lk)) Execute(Zip("SetDynamicColor("+name+", R, G, B)", name,LnameA)) Execute(Zip("ShowLabel("+name+", false)", name, LnameB)) Execute(Zip("SetLineThickness("+name+", th * "+k+")", name, LnameB, k, Lk)) Execute(Zip("SetDynamicColor("+name+", 1-R, 1-G, 1-B)", name,LnameB)) SetBackgroundColor("Black") ShowGrid(false) StartAnimation(int, true) ShowAxes(false)