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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Template Graph Grid using sequences with 280 x 200 print region

Template Graph Grid

This page has two versions of Geogebra generated graph grids using Sequence commands First below was the original version, and the second was based on the first, but with lighter fine grid colour. The grid is copied using windows Snip to a Microsoft Word document. Some adjustments to brightness, sharpness and image size, made to each template's image pasted in Word. You may need to make some changes to the Word file before you print the templates as your printer configuration may be different.

Template graph paper grid (Version 1)

Link to download Word doc with 280 x 200 graph : Link

Graph Grid using Sequences : Version 1

Template graph paper grid (Version 2) Lighter coloured fine grid

Link to download Word doc with 280 x 200 graph : Link

Graph Grid using Sequences : Version 2 , with fine grid lighter colour