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Check Factorable Trinomials (Some)

This app is designed a tool for students to check their work of factorable trinomials. If the Factored Form is not a product of factors, it will display as a trinomial. The algorithm does not factor all factorable trinomials, Ex: Factor this quadratic expression:  a = 5, b = -3, c = 8;  a•c = 5•8 or 40 The factors of 40 are {1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40}. Only factors of the same color can be checked. The factors of 40 whose sum or difference is -3 (5 - 8) Hence, the factorable expression is . 5 + (-8) = -3 shows that there is factorable form, 5:(-8) yields (5x – 8) and 5:5 = 1:1 yields (x - 1) We use a = 5 as the numerator and each factor of -40 = (-8)5 as a denominator gives factored form: (5x – 8)(x - 1).