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Dynamic mathematics: The linear function

Application for the study of the linear function. Using the sliders give different values to m (slope) and n (intercept). Funtzio lineala aztertzeko aplikazioa. Mugitu m eta n irristagailuak eta aztertu zer gertatzen den.
Answer the following questions:
  1. What is the consequence of increasing m’s value? What happens to the line? (If we are on the left side of the graph we see the slope in front of us, how does the slope change as the value of m increases?)
  2. What happens when the value of the slope (m) is negative? (Will we go up or down?)
  3. And when the slope is equal to zero?
  4. What does the slope symbolize?
  5. When the slope is equal to zero the function is constant. What does it mean? Look at the T-chart, what can you see?
  6. Match the following concepts: If the slope is positive (>0), negative (<0) or equal to zero (=0) what is the function like? Increasing function, Decreasing function or Constant function?
  7. What’s the meaning of n (intercept)?
  8. As the application shows, If n=0, we have a proportional function. Can you match this to a previously learned concept?
  9. Use the T-chart to answer the following question. What is the relation between the slope and the proportionality constant?
Erantzun ondorengo galderei:
  1. Zer gertatzen zaio zuzenari m (malda) handitzen denean? (Grafikoaren ezkerraldean jarriz gero, zelakoa da gure aurrean ikusten dugun aldapa m (malda) handiagotzen doan heinean?)
  2. Zer gertatzen da malda negatiboa denean? (Aldapan gora ala aldapan behera joango ginateke kasu honetan?)
  3. Eta malda zero denean?
  4. Zer adierazten du maldak?
  5. Malda zero denean funtzioa konstantea da. Zer esan nahi du honek? Aztertu balio taula, zer ikusten duzu?
  6. Erlazionatu kontzeptu hauek: Malda positiboa (>0), negatiboa(<0) edo zero (=0) denean, funtzioa zelakoa da? Funtzio konstantea, Funtzio gorakorra ala Funtzio beherakorra?
  7. Zer adierazten du n-k (ordenatua jatorrian)?
  8. n=0 denean proportzionaltasun funtzioa dela esaten digu aplikazioak. Aurretik ikusitako kontzepturen batekin erlazionatzen duzu?
  9. Balio taulaz lagunduz, zein da maldaren eta proportzionaltasun konstantearen arteko erlazioa?