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Haff Ellipsograph Nr. 97 (MathsJam2015)
What I bought on ebay for £10
Haff Ellipsograph Nr. 97
Trammel of Archimedes by Ryan Hirst
Haff Ellipsograph
Can you really draw all these?
Haff Ellipsograph
van Schooten's Ellipsograph (with non-perpendicular axes)
K'NEX Ellipsograph
Lego Ellipsograph
The End
Haff Ellipsograph Nr. 97 (MathsJam2015)
Michael Borcherds
What I bought on ebay for £10
Haff Ellipsograph Nr. 97
Trammel of Archimedes by Ryan Hirst
Haff Ellipsograph
Can you really draw all these?
Haff Ellipsograph
van Schooten's Ellipsograph (with non-perpendicular axes)
K'NEX Ellipsograph
Lego Ellipsograph
The End
What I bought on ebay for £10
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