
- Catacaustic of a Hyperbola - Radial Rays
- Duté hyperb., elipt., kulové a parab. - zdroj v nekonečnu
- Katakaustik einer Ellipse
- Un café ?
- Reflected beam at ellipse
- Duté parabolické - zdroj v konečné vzd. i v nekonečnu
- Riflessione al biliardo
- 스트링아트2
- 스트링아트
- Ellipse as Envelope
- Hyperbola as Envelope
- Capareda curve
- Tennis ball
- Constructing the Catacaustic of a Circle for Radial Rays
- Flight of an Insect - Radial Source of Light
- 스트링아트2
- Caustic of a cycloid.
- Нефроидa 6.
- Circle Catacaustic
- Caustic
- Constructing the Catacaustic of an Ellipse -Parallel Rays
- The Catacaustic of a Hyperbola - Parallel Rays
- deltoid_caustics
- ellipse_Caustic
- equiangular_spiral_caustic
- catenary and evolute
- Evolute of hypocycloid
- hypocycloid pedal curve
- hypocycloid
- Rétrogradation de Mars
- Multiplication Wheel:
- Circular Reasoning
- Multiplication wheel
- rebonds entre ellipses
- Kardioide als Kaustik von Punktlicht am Kreis
- Kaustik der Kardioide ist Nephroide
- Kardioide als Hüllkurve von Kreisen
- Nephroide als Kaustik parallelen Lichtes am Kreis
- Quadrik-Muster
- Kreis-Punktzuordnung
- Times Tables
- 包絡線:橢圓
- 包絡線:雙曲線
- Copy of Catacaustic of a Hyperbola - Radial Rays
- Copy of Catacaustic of a Parabola - Tschirnhausen Cubic
- Constructing the Catacaustic of a Circle for Parallel Rays
- Curvas cáusticas en la deltoide y enla astroide
- Curvas cáusticas en la elipse
- Soustraction ?
- Modulare Multiplikationstafel
- Cardioid and nephroid catacaustics
- osculating circles of hypocycloid
- Càustica en un cercle - I
- Modular Times Table on a Square
- Modular Times Table Between Two Sine Curves
- Modular Times Table
- Circle Multiplication Table
- ttt
- Závod s plácnutím o eliptickou zeď z F_1 do F_2
- Vieleck-Rotation
- Katakaustik einer Hyperbel
- Katakaustik einer Parabel
- Katakaustik im Kreis
- Modulare Rechnung
- The involute of the evolute of a parabola is a curve parallel to the parabola
- Elliptic billiard table
- Parabola as Envelope
- Caustic 1. Heart.
- Fun with lines and modular arithmetic
- Pickover's Mygalomorph Patterns
- Zykloiden
- Complex Powers of the Unit Circle
- Parametric Rays
- Goormaghtigh's generalization of the Droz-Farny Line
- Wallace Simson Line
- Càustica en un cercle - II
- L'el·lipse plegant paper.
- Sequence
- epicycloid
- Negative Pedal curve of an ellipse
- Doppeltes Linienmuster
- Envelope
- Iterates of a circle map
- Movimientos sincrónicos
- Giros en el reloj
- Conics Papiro
- Modular multiplication
- Modular arithmetic
- Modular times table
- Curve Stitching, Point Map
- Katakaustik3a_Zip
- Curve Stitching in 3D
- Curve Stitching in a Pentagon
- Wallace-Simson, Deltoid Envelope, Orthopole
- curve stitching in 3D
- 副産物
- フェルマ螺旋
- ぐるぐる
- Curve Stitching with Rotations and Reflections
- Curve Stitching with Rotations
- Spiral Patterns.
- Spiral Patterns with Shape
- Caustica di una conica
- Modular Multiplication in a Square with Inversion
- A Run for Two - revised
- The Doubling Map for Selected Mods
- Rolling Circle
- Continuous Multiples for Selected Mods
- Complex Number Tripling Map
- The Tripling Map for Selected Mods
- Rolling Circle Tripling Map
- Reflecting Light Rays Tripling Map
- Reflecting Light Rays
- Modular Addition for Selected Mods and Inversion
- Reflective Properties of the Conics
- Lines Forming Curves
- Envelope
- beauty of mathematics
- Reflexión en la elipse
- 스트링 아트(원)
- 포물선에서의 빛 반사(Reflection of Light on a Parabola)
- 타원에서의 빛 반사(Reflection of Light on a Ellipse)
- 포락선 도구활용 쌍곡선
- A ray in a corner (between two lines)
- Ray in a corner, 2
- Reflect a lamp
- Epicycloïdes
- Présentation
- Focus of the parabola
- Hyperbel-Spiegel 1
- Hyperbel-Spiegel 2
- envelope of circles
- デルトイドとシムソン線と三角形
- Conics as envelopes: Family of ellipses and hyperbolas
- Epicicloide. Hilorama
- String art, cuadrado
- Circles Segments
- Dva rotující vektory -- tlumení
- Geraden-6-Ecknetz / Satz von GRAF u. SAUER
- Modulo-Muster im Kreis
- Número de diagonales en un polígono regular.
- Mathologer TimesTable
- Circular Pattern Stepping V1.1
- Doblegant el paper per mostrar l'envolupant
- Ellipse - Many Reflections
- Animation #6
- Reflexión en la Parábola
- Times Table
- Circle to Circle mapping
- The dance of the terrestrial planets
- Spinning Segments (Epicycloids)
- Curvas cáusticas de la esquiral logarítmica o equiangular
- Mandala - Cardioid formula on a pentagon
- shifted circle - moveable
- rotating cardioide mandala
- truncated octahedron
- MOD-Multiplikation am Kreis
- rotating cardioid mandala #3
- superimposed triangles
- Cardioid formula in a triangle
- superimposed square
- 6 time cardioid mandala
- Kreisschar als siebenzählige Rosette
- Hamid Naderi Yeganeh: Fish
- 411 楕円の反射
- Hüllkurve
- Linien-Muster
- Billar circular
- Nephroide mit Evolute
- Vznik nefroidy odvalováním kružnice po kružnici + jako obálka
- La flor de Venus
- Mars and Jupiter
- Duté zrcátko a svazek rovnoběžných paprsků
- Kreismuster
- VYZRC -- svazek rovnoběžných paprsků, šikmých k optické ose
- Kardioide mit Evolute
- Kaustika - odkazy
- DUZRC: svazek paprsků vycházejících z bodu na ose
- Rovnice kaustiky a poloha hrotů
- DUZRC: svazek paprsků vycházejících z bodu mimo osu
- DUZRC: svazek paprsků z bodu mimo osu -- paraxiální aproximace
- chi-ball
- cardioid - v2
- Design mit Std-Min-Zeiger
- Seka3
- Venus-Earth curve
- Two celestial bodies orbiting the sun
2. Catacaustic- Bilder