구글 클래스룸
GeoGebra지오지브라 클래스룸

CC-6 Graphing Absolute Value Functions

Use the sliders to manipulate f(x).

Investigating f(x) + k

How does moving the slider for k affect the graph of ?
How does moving the slider for k affect the function rule for ?
What value of k gives the function rule ?
What function rule for would have a graph that is moved 3 units up?

Investigating f(x - h)

How does moving the slider for h affect the graph of ?
How does moving the slider for h affect the function rule for ?
What value of h gives the function rule ?
What function rule for would have a graph that is moved 3 units to the left?

Investigating a*f(x)

How does moving the slider for a affect the graph of ?
How does moving the slider for a affect the function rule for ?
What value of a gives the function rule ?
What function rule for would have a graph with slope of -3 on the right side of the V-shape?

Use the sliders to manipulate g(x).

Investigating a*g(x - h) + k

How do the sliders a, h, and k affect the graph of ?
Draw a star at the top of your paper.
How do the sliders affect the function rule for ?
How does the graph of differ from the graph of ?