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Copy of Thermometer - Positive and Negative Numbers

What temperature is 3 degrees lower than -2 degrees?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
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On a very cold day, is the temperature more likely to be -4 degrees or + 16 degrees?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
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At noon, the temperature was 5 degrees Celsius. By late afternoon, it has risen 6 degrees Celsius. What was the temperature late in the afternoon?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
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  1. The temperature was 8 degrees Celsius at midnight. By dawn, it has dropped 12 degrees Celsius. What was the temperature at dawn?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
  • C
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The Temperature in London right now is 4 degrees Celsius. What would be the temperature if it fell a further 4 degrees?

Jelöld be válaszodat
  • A
  • B
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