Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

7.1 Geogebra Task

  1. Use the regular polygon tool to create a regular polygon with 5 or more sides
  2. Label all vertices
  3. Measure all the interior angles (if selecting 3 points, select them in a clockwise direction)
  4. Insert a text box that shows the sum of all of your interior angles
  5. Construct rays from each side of your polygon in a direction (example: ray AB, ray AC,...)
  6. Exterior angles are the non-straight angles formed. Measure all the exterior angles (use the "2 sides" method of measuring an angle since you do not have a 3rd point)
  7. Insert a text box that shows the sum of all your exterior angles.
  8. Answer the two questions below.

Question 1

How many sides did your polygon have and what was the sum of your interior angles?

Question 2

What was the sum of your exterior angles?