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Twin primes. Where they can be found.

Studying the prime numbers I understood that their distribution is regulated by a cyclical mechanism of infinite growth; then at each cycle it produces a new larger and more temporary ensemble which I have called a "combined sequence". A characteristic of the "combined sequences" is that although they are the temporary result of an infinite growth, they continually reproduce a symmetrical structure, and in some parts always identical. In my previous article "News on the mechanism of prime numbers", I described how one can exploit the recurrence of these identical parts to find twin primes; I do not deny that my aim is to always provide new arguments in favor of the mechanism that I have discovered. With this article, in addition to better explaining how to do it, I provide the result of my short research. I searched and easily found several pairs of twin primes having a minimum of twelve and a maximum of over forty digits; going to look for them in the positions indicated by the mechanism. The mechanism cannot give the certainty that in a certain position there are twin primes; indicates with certainty the locations where to look for them. The article "Twin primes. Where they can be found" is published on This is the link