Going the Distance
Are you willing to go the distance?

OBJECTIVE : To learn about the concept of absolute value
In previous lessons, you've learned how to construct the real number line, graph numbers on it, compare pairs of numbers, and graph inequalities as subsets of real numbers.
Keeping in Line: https://www.geogebra.org/m/sw4yxv53
Calling to Order: https://www.geogebra.org/m/vrfcsfut
Talking About Inequalities: https://www.geogebra.org/m/nrpqkpch
In this lesson, you'll be introduced to the concept of absolute value as shown on the real number line.
Absolute Value—positive distance of a coordinate from zero, denoted by | |
Examples: |4| = 4 |-4| = 4 -|4| = -4 -|-4| = -4
Remember: Ignore the negative sign inside the absolute value symbol, but NOT the negative sign outside. In the final analysis, it's the sign in front of the absolute value symbol that matters.
The applet below dynamically illustrates the concept of absolute value. Interact with the applet for a few minutes. Feel free to move the BIG PURPLE DOTS wherever you want!
Below is a set of problems involving absolute value.
Absolute Value
Check the Answer Box below for the correct answers.
In this lesson, you learned about the concept of absolute value.
In future lessons, you'll learn more about absolute value expressions and the real number line. Did you have FUN today?