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GeoGebra Classroom
Core 2 Trigonometry
The Unit Circle
Sine and Cosine Graphs
Sine and Cosine Rule
Radians (NO LONGER)
Transformations of trig functions (NOT HERE)
Arcs and Sectors (NOT HERE)
Core 2 Trigonometry
Nicola Trubridge
A Level Trigonometry
Table of Contents
The Unit Circle
Sine Graph
Trig Curves
Unit Circle and Tangent Graph
Sine and Cosine Graphs
Using the Sine & Cosine Graphs
Sine and Cosine Rule
Proofs of sine rule, cosine rule, area of a triangle
Sine Rule Proof
Sine rule angle calculation
Sine rule length calculation
The Sine Rule
The Sine Rule - the ambiguous case
The Cosine Rule
Proof without words: Cosine Rule (餘弦公式)
Radians (NO LONGER)
Radian Measure in Unit Circle
Radians in Unit Circle
Blank canvas for trig curves in radians
Transformations of trig functions (NOT HERE)
Transforming the Sine Function
Transforming the Cosine Function
Modeling Using The Sine Function
Transforming the Sine Function
Trig Function Transformation
Arcs and Sectors (NOT HERE)
Arc Lengths (Degrees)
Arc Lengths (Radians)
Area of Sectors (Degrees)
Area of Sectors (Radians)
Sine Graph
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