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Right Triangle Trig Intro and Exploration (2)

Move the vertices of the right triangle around. Change the acute angle using the slider as well. Carefully observe what happens as you do! Then answer the questions that follow.

Suppose = an acute angle of a right triangle. We can conclude

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
  • C
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)

Suppose = an acute angle of a right triangle. We can conclude

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
  • C
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)

Suppose = an acute angle of a right triangle. We can conclude

Tüm uygun cevapları seçin
  • A
  • B
  • C
Cevabımı kontrol et (3)