Cosmas Damian and Egid Quirin Asam - Weltenburg
You can find all information about the monastery church of Weltenburg in the very nice website (-> Orte -> Bauorte AZ -> St-Z -> Weltenburg.
Notice that on the plan of the church one can find the centers of the basic circles out of the orientation of the side chapels. The scheme matches with the classic scheme Serlio 1, based on two equilateral triangles.
The smaller oval in in the middle of the plan is a masterwork of staging.
Instead of building a dome, the two brothers Asam created a hugh gap in the ceiling of the church. This gap gives view to a second, heigher flat paited ceiling. Contrary with the mock architecture in many baroc dome fresco's in this church the roof is really taken away, giving view to a heavenly spectacle. More, the part of the fresco that's visible changes by walking through the church. On the longitudonal section one can see that the fresco is enlightened by windows, unvisible from below. These tricks with light the Asam brothers took from Bernini, when the bischop send them to Rome, where they were very impressed by the architecture of Bernini en Borromini.