
Swift code: International three-letter code for a currency, that is used in official payments transaction. It is EUR for euro.
European Central bank (ECB) publishes the most important exchange rates outside euro area (European states using euro as their currency) every day at their homepage Banks and companies practising currency exchange, rates their exchange rates by utilising ECB's rates.
Average rate: Exchange rate by ECB
Cash rate: Exchange rates for money (tourists' cash)
Commercial transactions: These are used in transactions between companies and in bank giros (bank transfers).
Buying rate tells at which price the bank is buying currency (from you).
Selling price tells at which price the bank sells currency (for you).
Exchange rates are informed in indirect quotation or in direct quotation. In indirect quotation, it is informed, how much one euro is in other currency. In direct quotation, it is informed the value of one currency in euros.
Exchange rates are different among exchange companies as their are collecting profit from their sales. Furthermore, you usually have to pay some fixed fee for an exchange. The fee is ever fixed amount of cash (e.g. 3.70 euros/exchange) or some percentage of the amount exchanged (e.g. 1.3% of exchanged cash).
Valuuttakurssit käteiselle

Esimerkki 1.
Kuinka paljon saat Ruotsin kruunuja 650 eurolla?
Tässä tapauksessa Forex on myymässä valuuttaa sinulle ja saamasi määrä on suoraan verrannollinen valuuttakurssiin:
Esimerkki 2.
Kuinka paljon euroja saa 730 Ruotsin kruunulla?
Kaupalliset valuuttakurssit

Esimerkki 3.
Yrityksellä on 35000 CZK saatava. Kuinka paljon se on euroissa?
Tässä tapauksessa pankki ostaa yritykseltä korunoita. Koska saatava ei ole käteisenä vaan liiketaloudellinen suorite, niin kurssit katsotaan kaupallisista valuuttakursseista.
Esimerkki 4.
Yrityksen on maksettava lasku arvoltaan 28730 THB. Kuinka paljon lasku on euroissa?
Nyt pankki myy bahteja yritykselle, joten käytetään kaupallisia myyntikursseja.