Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Construction of the Polygons

1. Select a point Toolbar Image and construct a square by using Toolbar Imageto represent thousands' place. 2. Select 4 points Toolbar Image and construct a rectangle by using Toolbar Image to represent tens' place. 3. Select a point Toolbar Image and construct a square by using Toolbar Imageto represent ones' place. 4. Use the following script to construct 10 vertical segments with the variable "i" in the square. Sequence(Segment(A+(0,i),A+(10,i)),i,0,10) 5. Use the following script to construct 10 horizontal segments with the variable "i" in the square. Sequence(Segment(A+(0,i),A+(10,i)),i,0,10) 6. Repeat the steps above for 9 times and match the coordinates of polygons in the coordinate system.

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