Kopie von Crosswind Calculator
Crosswind/Headwind Calculator
Set the wind speed slider to the current wind conditions
Set the wind direction to the angle that the wind creates with your chosen runway
Set the "MaxCross" slider to the maximum demonstrated crosswind component for your aircraft
1. The reported winds at KBMI are 25 knots from 230 degrees. On which runway would you chose to land? Would you be within the crosswind limitations (17 knots) of your airplane?
2. The reported winds at KPIA are 38 knots from 090 degrees. On which runway would you chose to land? Would you be within the crosswind limitations (17 knots) of your airplane?
3. The wind can come from any direction, so why does the slider only need to take on values between 0 and 90 degrees?
4. What is the maximum wind speed for which there will always be a runway available at KPIA for you to land with a crosswind lower than 17 knots?