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Name two pair of complementary angles in TRANSVERSAL 1

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  • A
  • B
  • C
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Name two pair of supplementary angles in TRANSVERSAL1

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
Check my answer (3)

Name two pair of alternate angles in TRANSVERSAL1

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
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Other than angle D, which other angle(s) have a measure of 26 degrees?

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
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What would be the measure of the other two angles in the transversal?

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
Check my answer (3)



Questions: Transversal 2

I know that angle A measures 15 degrees, so I also know that angle ____ measures 15 degrees because it is an _______ _________ __________

I know that angle A measures 15 degrees, so I also know that Angle B measures _____ degrees because it is a ______________ ______________ to angle B.

Angle ____ is an alternate interior angle to angle B, so I know its measure will be _______ degrees.



We know that angle A is going to measure _____ degrees because it is a _______ angle to angle D.

We know that angle B is going to measure _____ degrees, because it is a _____ angle to angle C.



We know that the measure of angle A is _____ degrees, because angle A is a ___ ____ ___ to angle C.

We know that the measure of angle D is ____ degrees because angle D is a ____ ______ _____ to Angle B.