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G.2.3 In Class Practice

Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle EDF. So, Kiran knows that there is a sequence of rigid motions that takes ABC to EDF.  Select all true statements after the transformations:

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  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
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The triangles are congruent. Which sequence of rigid motions will take triangle XYZ onto triangle BCA?

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  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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Line DE is parallel to line BC. a. What is the measure of angle EAC? b. What is the measure of angle DAB?

Line SD is a line of symmetry for figure ASMHZDPX. Tyler says that ASDPX is congruent to SMDZH because sides AS and MS are corresponding. a. Why is Tyler's congruence statement incorrect? b. Write a correct congruence statement for the pentagons.