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GeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
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Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
Adopta, adapta, crea i comparteix
fractal fern
Electromagnetic Waves
Fourier Series Accuracy / Précision / Precisió
Wielościan/Solid J10
Wielościan/Solid J12
Wielościan/Solid J13
Curiosity n°1
Plotting Hyperbolas and Ellipses in Hyperbolic Half-Plane
Playing with the hyperbola and ellipse in the Poincaré disk
Turners Theorem - 3 ellipses with shared focii
Polar equation plotter
Visualizing equivalence relation: Example 1
Vierhoek en bissectrices
Optische illusie
Som van de hoeken van een vierhoek
Spiegelas zoeken
Congruente figuren
El·lipse doblegant paper
Construcció 01
Hipèrbola doblegant paper
Propietat Triangles isòscels
Àrea vs Perímetre dels rectangles
L'Akelarre d'Agnesi
Maria Agnesi i les PAU 2017 (versió 3.0)
Càustica en un cercle - II
Càustica en un cercle - I
Sobre àrees de paral·lelograms
Principi de Cavalieri
Copy: polygon ring
Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren
Loci: unexpected family of curves
Énoncé et propriété
Somme des angles d'un triangle
Angles complémentaires
appartenance ou distance
Suma per diferència
Joukowsky Transform
Geometric Fourier Transform
Voronoi Diagram Animation
Incenter + Incircle Action (V2)!
Cut-The-Knot Action 18!
Quiz: Adding and Subtracting Integers
Quiz: Adding Integers
Quiz: Subtracting Integers
Half-Life Action!!!
Polygons: Exterior Angles - REVAMPED
Cardiod is the Pedal Curve of any Point on Circle
What-If-Not Conics in 3D
Nine-Point Circles, Cyclic Quadrilaterals, and the Anticenter
The Limaçon is the Pedal Curve of a Circle
The Strophoid
The Cissoid of Diocles
Tanton Locus Problem v2
The Orthopole, the Wallace-Simpson Line, and the Deltoid
What-If-Not Side-By-Side Construction
Rotating Circles Intersection Points
Simple Lyness Cubic
Roman Numeral Abacus Addition
Next = (Now + 1) / Last
Conic Constructions Using Other Directrix
Functions in a Lyness Sequence
Generalized Rolling Polygon
Modular Times Table in an Equilateral Triangle
Straight-line Mechanisms
Drag the point.
Koch-like (Edge Replacement) Curve Modifiable
p1a1 Frieze Pattern Maker
Reflecting Circles in a Circle
Points Equidistant From Two Circles
Points Equidistant From a Line and a Circle
Introducing Congruence
pmg Pattern Maker
Slider-crank Mechanisms
Polar graph with rectangular graph
Make your own Polar and Rectangular Graph
Fraccions i Geometria 01
Morphing Cartesian Graphs to Polar Graphs
Complex Powers of the Unit Circle
Morphing from Cartesian to Polar graphs
Make a Polar Linkage
Spiraling Star Polygon
Goormaghtigh's generalization of the Droz-Farny Line
Angle Trisection by Paper Folding!
Isogonal Conjugate Image of a Circle
Pedal curves of Conics
Quadrilàters convexos en un geoplà de 5 x 5
Morphing Complex Functions
Suma dels angles interiors d'un triangle
Adopta, adapta, crea i comparteix
Els materials que més m'agraden amb el lema d'en Carlos Giménez.
fractal fern
Electromagnetic Waves
Fourier Series Accuracy / Précision / Precisió
Wielościan/Solid J10
Wielościan/Solid J12
Wielościan/Solid J13
Curiosity n°1
Plotting Hyperbolas and Ellipses in Hyperbolic Half-Plane
Playing with the hyperbola and ellipse in the Poincaré disk
Turners Theorem - 3 ellipses with shared focii
Polar equation plotter
Visualizing equivalence relation: Example 1
Vierhoek en bissectrices
Optische illusie
Som van de hoeken van een vierhoek
Spiegelas zoeken
Congruente figuren
El·lipse doblegant paper
Construcció 01
Hipèrbola doblegant paper
Propietat Triangles isòscels
Àrea vs Perímetre dels rectangles
L'Akelarre d'Agnesi
Maria Agnesi i les PAU 2017 (versió 3.0)
Càustica en un cercle - II
Càustica en un cercle - I
Sobre àrees de paral·lelograms
Principi de Cavalieri
Copy: polygon ring
Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren
Loci: unexpected family of curves
Énoncé et propriété
Somme des angles d'un triangle
Angles complémentaires
appartenance ou distance
Suma per diferència
Joukowsky Transform
Geometric Fourier Transform
Voronoi Diagram Animation
Incenter + Incircle Action (V2)!
Cut-The-Knot Action 18!
Quiz: Adding and Subtracting Integers
Quiz: Adding Integers
Quiz: Subtracting Integers
Half-Life Action!!!
Polygons: Exterior Angles - REVAMPED
Cardiod is the Pedal Curve of any Point on Circle
What-If-Not Conics in 3D
Nine-Point Circles, Cyclic Quadrilaterals, and the Anticenter
The Limaçon is the Pedal Curve of a Circle
The Strophoid
The Cissoid of Diocles
Tanton Locus Problem v2
The Orthopole, the Wallace-Simpson Line, and the Deltoid
What-If-Not Side-By-Side Construction
Rotating Circles Intersection Points
Simple Lyness Cubic
Roman Numeral Abacus Addition
Next = (Now + 1) / Last
Conic Constructions Using Other Directrix
Functions in a Lyness Sequence
Generalized Rolling Polygon
Modular Times Table in an Equilateral Triangle
Straight-line Mechanisms
Drag the point.
Koch-like (Edge Replacement) Curve Modifiable
p1a1 Frieze Pattern Maker
Reflecting Circles in a Circle
Points Equidistant From Two Circles
Points Equidistant From a Line and a Circle
Introducing Congruence
pmg Pattern Maker
Slider-crank Mechanisms
Polar graph with rectangular graph
Make your own Polar and Rectangular Graph
Fraccions i Geometria 01
Morphing Cartesian Graphs to Polar Graphs
Complex Powers of the Unit Circle
Morphing from Cartesian to Polar graphs
Make a Polar Linkage
Spiraling Star Polygon
Goormaghtigh's generalization of the Droz-Farny Line
Angle Trisection by Paper Folding!
Isogonal Conjugate Image of a Circle
Pedal curves of Conics
Quadrilàters convexos en un geoplà de 5 x 5
Morphing Complex Functions
Suma dels angles interiors d'un triangle
fractal fern
Nya resurser
Arbre de Pitàgores
Arbre fruiter
La ceràmica també amb GeoGebra
Fractal amb fulles
Upptäck resurser
Troba l'equació de la recta
Quadrat màgic del Temple de Parshvanatha
Undersök matematisk områden