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GeoGebraGeoGebra Ders

Epsilon-Delta Definition of a Limit

For a given function f(x), in order to say the limit of f(x) as x approaches a is L, we need to know that for Every ε > 0, there exists a corresponding δ > 0, such that if |x - a| < δ, then |f(x) - L| < ε. Use the sliders to change the value of δ to find a value that works with ε=2. Then try shrinking ε and finding a corresponding δ for the new ε.
You can drag the point a around to see behavior at other points. Hold CNTR and use the mouse and school wheel to change the displayed window. Initially, f(x) = 1/8 x^3. Type in "f(x) = " to try a different function. (Note: This demo assumes f(x) is continuous and monotone in the interval (x - δ, x + δ). )