Optical Illusion: Are they parallel?
Analyzing Hering's Optical Illusion
In order to determine if the lines are parallel, we want to show that a pair of corresponding angles are congruent.
Step 1: Identify a pair of corresponding angles to measure
Step 2: Find the measurement of the angles using the angle measure tool in the tool bar. It is located next to the arrow.
*Click on the angle measure in the toolbar (the angle measure tool will show up again so click on it)
*Then, click on the three letters in the same order you would name the angle.
*If the angle measure is not the interior angle, undo and change the order in which you are selecting points)
Step 3: Click on the arrow in the toolbar, then select A to move the transversal and analyze what happens to the corresponding angles.
Are things as they appear?
What did you do???
Choose the appropriate conditional statement for correct order of the activity above.
2.) Look at the conditional statements above, what is the relationship between the two.