Using this book
Welcome to the GeoGebra Builders' Handbook!

This is a truly remarkable book, similar in fact to The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, except that we've got cats instead of mice and dolphins.
If you are a GeoGebra User that want to learn how to create stuff on your own then just read, try stuff out and learn from it. It was made to make it easier to "level up" your GeoGebra skills.
If you are a local instructor who want to present this book to users, you may want to consider to first making your own local copy of it. This will ensure that the book stays the same from the time of your preparations until you actually hold your course. It also gives you the possibility to remove the bits you don't want to present at the moment, add your own stuff etc.
If you want to contribute and become "a builder of builders", send me an email and I will make you a part of the GeoGebra Builders' Club. which will give you editing rights to the book. Please join me in this effort to create what might be called The GeoGebra Builders Manual, though I prefer the word "Handbook".
Just a word of advice before you get started - Do add stuff, that being the whole point of the exercise. But please refrain from removing, deleting or moving stuff. Send me instead a suggestion through the mail of through the Builders' Club group, and allow me harmonize the changes. Also, build to last, putting in that extra bit of effort for the final bit of quality and pride.
Happy Building!
Jonas Hall,
Swedish GeoGebra Institute