Using a grid to locate places
Introduction: Using a Grid to Locate Places
How does a grid help you to find places on a map?
This is a grid. On this grid, the squares from top to bottom are letters. Across the grid from left to right are numbers. Each square on the grid has a number and a letter. Find A at the side of the map. Now find the number 1 at the top of the map. Find square A1.

Multiple Choice
What color is in the square C2
What color is in the square B4
What color is in the square D3
What color is in the square E5
Here is a map of Lincoln Park Zoo. We will use the grid to help us to locate where the animals are located. We can use the grid to help us give directions to a location.
Zoo map

What are the coordinates for the square where the lions are located.
What are the coordinates for the square where the monkeys are located?
What are the coordinates for the square where the farm animals are located?

This is a map of Chicago. Chicago is a big city in the state of Illinois. Find square B5. What body of water do you see there?
You should see Lake Michigan. The map shows that much of Chicago lies along this lake. What other squares include parts of the lake?
What is the grid location of the Lincoln Park Zoo on this map?
Use the map of Chicago to write a quiz. Include questions and answers for naming the location of buildings, streets, lakes and rivers. Turn your quiz into a drop box.