A.4.1 Learning Goals

Learning Goals
  • I can explain when a relationship between two quantities is a function.
  • I can identify independent and dependent variables in a function, and use words and graphs to represent the function.
  • I can make sense of descriptions and graphs of functions and explain what they tell us about situations.
    Glossary dependent variable - a variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another, it represnts the output of a function. function - takes inputs from one set and assigns them outputs from another set, assigning exatly one output to each input. independent variable - a variable (often denoted by x ) whose variation does not depend on that of another, it represnts the input of a function (you can choose the value for it).
    Using the example in the opener about number of bagels and price, lets look at a situation that is a function and one that is not a function. Because there are multiple possible prices when the number of bagels is 6 or greater, price is not a function of the number of bagels bought. Because there is only one best price for a particular number of bagel, best price is a function of the number of bagels bought.