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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Exploring Converse of Isosceles Triangle Theorem

In the GeoGebra Geometry app window below:

1. Use the ANGLE WITH GIVEN SIZE tool Toolbar Image to construct an angle with side that measures degrees and has a vertex at A. Notice is the name of the slider you see. 2. After doing so, use the RAY tool Toolbar Image to construct ray AB'. The silent video show how you can do both of these steps below.

Keep going: More directions appear below this applet.

3. Use the ANGLE WITH GIVEN SIZE tool Toolbar Image to construct an angle with side that measures degrees and has a vertex at B. After selecting this tool again, make sure to select A, then B, in that order, and make sure to rotate degrees clockwise. 4. After doing so, use the RAY tool Toolbar Image to construct ray BA'. 5. Now use the INTERSECT tool Toolbar Image to plot the point where the two rays (you constructed in steps (2) and (4) intersect. GeoGebra should label this point as C. 6. Right click on each ray and uncheck SHOW OBJECT to hide it. Do the same for B' and A'. 7. Use the POLYGON tool Toolbar Image to construct . 8. Use the DISTANCE or LENGTH tool Toolbar Image to measure the lengths of segments and .

What do you notice? (Be sure to select the MOVE tool Toolbar Image again and move points A and B around!