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Inscribed Angle

What is an inscribed angle?


Inscribed Angle: an angle made from points sitting on the circle's circumference. From the picture above , is an inscribed created by 3 points: A, B and C. A is the apex point. B and C are end points.

Move the vertex point (A) around in the circle below. What do you notice?

Question 1

When the end points (B,C) do not change, the inscribed angle remain ___________ despite the change in the vertex point(A).

Move point C around. What do you notice?

Questions 2

is ______

Zaznacz odpowiedź tutaj
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Sprawdź moją odpowiedź (3)
Inscribed Angle Theorem : the inscribed angle is always half of the central angle.

Calculate the value of the inscribed angle.

Question 3: chose the value of the inscribed angle for the figure above

Zaznacz odpowiedź tutaj
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Sprawdź moją odpowiedź (3)

Calculate the value of the inscribed angle.

Chose the value of the inscribed angle for the figure above

Zaznacz odpowiedź tutaj
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Sprawdź moją odpowiedź (3)