Doting on Special Pairs
What's special about them?

OBJECTIVE: To learn how to multiply special binomials
In a previous lesson, you learned how to multiply two binomials using the Parrot Beak Method or the FOIL Method.
Foiling the Parrot Beak:
In this lesson, you'll learn how to multiply two binomials that end up as special products: the Difference of Two Squares and the Perfect Square Trinomial.
Watch this video to learn how to multiply special binomials.
Below is a set of problems that require you to find the product of special binomials. Be very careful as this is mixed set of special binomials, some of which lead to the Difference of Two Squares, while others lead to Perfect Square Trinomials.
First, solve the problems on scratch paper. Then check the Answer Box below for the correct answers.
Product of Special Binomials
Check out the answers to the above problems here.
TODAY you learned how to multiply two binomials that lead to the Difference of Two Squares or Perfect Square Trinomials.
In future lessons, you'll learn how to multiply longer polynomials. Hope you had FUN doing today's activities!